Sunday, May 08, 2011

I have no words...

Tonight my 9 year old daughter floored me.

She has been caught using her ipod after she's gone to bed so she's not allowed to keep it in her room at night. She was asking for dessert way too much, so she's not allowed to ask for dessert anymore. My husband saw the ipod in her room tonight and took it out.

So tonight, after bedtime, my 3 year old daughter brought me a letter after going to the bathroom. It was from the older one, it was asking for a donut. I didn't think anything about it, cause there was no way it was recent. Well then I get a text from her asking me to read the note.

I can understand kids taking things back that were taken away and hiding them, totally normal. My daughter took it and let me know she took it! I just don't understand that. So she gets in trouble for asking for dessert, gets in trouble for having her ipod in her room after bed and using it and gets in trouble for getting up out of bed to get it from the kitchen. AND using her sister to deliver the note. YET the donut in question was apparently one she's had in her room for like 2 weeks and IT'S IN HER ROOM! A smart kid would think "if I eat in the donut I only get in trouble for one thing". Not my daughter.

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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

"Birth Control"

So today I got a Mirena IUD put in. First thing some people said when I told them was "Isn't your husband fixed?". Why yes he is. So it occurs to me that a lot of people think "birth control" is just for birth control. Which is most of their main purpose. Like a condoms, that's all its good for, well unless you can count condom balloons as a good use. But now being on multiple birth control pills and now the IUD (granted I need to wait awhile to see how it effects me) and having women tell me they can't be on pills or shots, etc. cause they mess them up, there are more reasons to use them besides not wanting to get pregnant.
I have always had horrible periods. Super heavy and horrible cramping to the point of immobility. I've always said that as soon as I'm done having kids I'd love to get my uterus ripped out. It's kind of unfair that they don't electively let you get it taken out. After Rowynn was born, hubby got fixed and that was that. Because of side effects birth control pills can have I figured I wouldn't get back on them cause I didn't need them for birth control. Then I started having my periods again. I was really bitchy and depressed for a least a week every month an my boobs would get unbelievably sore (though not all the time), I'd get bloaty and such with my period, and of course the cramping. I never was on birth control before kids because I had my periods every 30-35 days, no way did I want to go to every 28 days. Then the doc told me about Seasonale which of course was awesome, only had four periods a year (despite that 4 was still too many it was better than 12). Wasn't til the periods started again had I realized how much they helped me and I told hubby I had to get on the pills again. Which of course most people ask why and I say 4 periods a year is why! Most women would agree. But it also made me forget how bad my periods were (kinda like how you forget pregnancy and delivery so you do it again...) So the last 2 periods I had I had to get Vicodin to help with me the cramping. My NP thought maybe if I changed pills that might help the cramping if not maybe I needed to get a consult on getting a hysteroctomy (which actually made me jump for joy, kinda like getting my breast reduction medically paid for, never thought it actually possibly) I tried a different pill, Levora, first, I was on it 2 weeks and realized it was making me feel like shit, i was blah and really weepy, just not me. So definitely showed me I don't react to all bc pills the same. I also had a consult for hysto. The doctor said if I just wanted no periods to try a Depo shot or the Mirena IUD. Which is where I am now. We'll see how this goes for me, I'm still all for getting my uterus taken out though.

As for my long drawn out point... birth control isn't just for preventing pregnancy, it's also for those pms symptoms, period problems and what not. Course that being said, despite being myself for longer being on Seasonale or Seasonique, I do know that getting my uterus taken out could cause me hormonal issues too. I really hope Mirena won't cause too many hormonal issues/changes for me.

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Wednesday, February 02, 2011


I can't think of much else to do, so I'm updating! Let's see.... Rowynn's birthday is coming up, she's gonna be 3... and I really need to work on potty training. She's talking so much now, cute to hear her say "that's so cool" and "it's awesome!" But she still has her horrible moments, she still throws fits and that's not so awesome.

Bayvin got her braces on and so far she's been doing good and they don't seem to bother her much. She's upset by the things she can't eat anymore though, especially popcorn.

I still need to work on exercising, I think when it's warm Rowynn and I will walk to pick up Bayvin, I'm sure she'll enjoy it too.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So my lovely 9 year old has to get braces, apparently she inherited her Dad's mouth and teeth so there isnt enough room for more to come in. She gets them on January 6th in time to go back to school without a sore mouth hopefully.

I had my 2 month check up for cholesterol and drugs work!

CHOLESTEROL 153 (was 273)
HDL 42
LDL CALCULATED 86 (was 203)

so thats great, though she's having me stay on them and get check again in 3 months.

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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Big update

Yay! Jail broken iphones rock! :)

It's been a long time since I updated this, over a year, since Bayvin just turned 9!

So lots of thins happened recently so I'll just update that

1. Bayvin turned 9! :)

2. I have high cholesterol, my LDL is way too high so I'm actually on medication for it. I'll be getting my blood checked in a couple weeks to find out if its helping.

3. I had some chest pains. Since I have high cholesterol my doctor was concerned and had me comr in, my ekg was normal but I have a stress test scheduled for Dec. 14th.

4. I had my annual womanly check up and my doctor found a lump. I had figured it was just scar tissue, but she had me get an ultrasound and turned out it was some kind of lump (can't remember what they called it). It doesn't look malignent so I'm just going to be getting another ultrasound in about 5 months.

All this has happen since October, it's a lot to go thru.

As far as the kids go...
Bayvin was on honor roll and has had perfect attendance since the start of school. She started 3rd grade last year with a 1.9 reading level, (meaning 1st grade, 9month) so really not good. Her report card for this trimester said she's at 5.4, so really freaking awesome. We had to start her on Adderall last year because she was doing so poorly. It has worked SO well! Her STAR testing from last year says she's way above average in math, which is pretty awesome.

Rowynn is doing good I think, despite being the spawn of satan. She's the complete opposite of Bayvin at this age, so she's extremely hard to deal with, always throwing tantrums. Yet then can be the sweetest kid ever, she says thank you and excuse me and offers to share things, even candy!! "She's a sweet little cupcake, baked by the Devil."

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Bayvin!!

My first baby turns 8 today! I can't believe it, I feel so old!

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The iPhone

iPhones are really really awesome. Maybe I'll keep up with this more if I can update it from my iPhone!

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