Saturday, February 10, 2007

been tryin..

We've been trying to get pregnant. Well it just started this month, but I usually know when I ovulate. I should have gotten my period last night, and I've taken 2 tests that say negative, but I still haven't gotten my dang period!! Driving me nuts. If I don't get it by monday (would be a week late) then I'm taking another test. Did I mention it was driving me nuts?

Bayvin has been sick, cold with fever, just been laying around the house and missed school Thursday and Friday. She doesn't have school Monday because of Lincoln's Birthday, but hopefully she'll be better before then.

Work has been good for Grif but horrible for me, I haven't done a virtual tour since November, and it seems like my biggest client is now using someone else. So that's very reassuring.

We have termites, well had them. We had to pay $3200 to get rid of them and get a preventative treatment. Which seems to only cover subteraean, because we didn't fumigate which would cover drywall termites. And even though the treatment is suppose to make sure that no termites ever get in again, it doesn't cover the walls. And if we ever sell the house it has to be fumigated first. AND get a part of the garage wall fixed and a support underneath the house fixed. And if we want to get the warranty that if we ever do get termites again they come out and fix everything for free, is $95 a quarter... seems seriously expensive for something that MIGHT happen, our home owners insurance is less!

I really want to get Windows Vista... but its microsoft and its evil, but it looks so damn cool! Unfortunately I got to wait til all the kinks are out, and I've been told the games don't run as good, but still I want it!


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