Monday, September 19, 2005

really need a new doctor

She finally looked at my report. Said, yep she's got scoliosis and give her a referral to a physical therapist. That's it, can't even get an appt with her til friday, at which point I was really upset cause they wouldn't even let me see another doctor in the practice. Ya know just to make sure that is what's causing my pain. Since I was so upset I had the hang up on them because they kept telling me that she wasn't gonna be in the office and earliest I could do is friday.

So Grif had to call them back to get the referral. And they said that how I acted (being upset is a bad thing) was grounds for dismissal, and which point he told them, well she already has been looking for a new doctor. And now I get to close my eyes and point to find a new doctor in town. That'll be fun.

So I get to be in constant pain for a really long time, if not forever, isn't that wonderful news. And I have to hope to god I don't get a cold cause sneezing spasms my back so bad, its unbearable.


none 1:37 AM  

That doctor is known for dismissing her patients. I would suggest to you my doctor, but my doctor is closed to new patients. Of course, you could always call them and wouldn't hurt and maybe they would have a doctor to recommend to you. Cornerstone Family Medical...

Erin Priest 11:40 PM  

LOL, that's actually where I called the other day, I just need to call them, pick a doc and then change it and it can be changed by 10/1 think um, Dr. Bernard Hunt was open to new patients, have you seen him?

none 6:47 PM  

Yes, I have seen Hunt and he is okay. The nice thing about that office is that if Hunt isn't available, you can ask to see another doctor in the office. I prefer both of the McGrew doctors. The nurse practitioner, Dee is great. I don't care for Chin. I bet you will like physical therapy, hopefully they will give you a good massage!

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